Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Saturday at 5

I was standing on my balcony, sipping a hot cup of tea. The horizon had a tinge of amber, beckoning the end of night sky’s realm. The atmosphere was heavy, there was a slight murmur in the trees, dew drops were hanging on to grass tip. At that moment I felt some tension in the atmosphere, like a coiled spring ready to explode, or like a sprinter ready to burst out of the starting blocks at the sound of the gunshot.

Just then sun rays trickle through the leaves and spread over the dew-lit grass, and the day exploded to life, the air was filled with warmth and the murmur was replaced by the sweet sound of birds chirping, saw a few squirrels scurrying around too. Though the dew drops were still there, their days(minutes) we numbered, soon the sun’s rays would reach out and vaporise them. The sun filled the sky with amazing colours.

It feels like each day GOD says “Let there be light” and then the sun rises, as if each day is blessed.

Some would say what’s so great about a dawn, it happens each day and has been happening for around 4.5 billion years (google jindabad). Though I am a dusk lover theres something about watching a dawn that make the whole experience so beautiful and enlivening. It might also be that, being a nocturnal myself, there are not many dawn that I have seen, add to it the probability of the day being a Saturday.

For a few moments I basked in the sun, too a deep breath, and started packing. After all the reason that I woke up this early was for the Toronto trip (normally on Saturdays, this time on the day is midnight for me).

PS: Would I wake up daily to enjoy this mesmerizing experience each day????.... HELL NO :)

1 comment:

Harsha S Rao said...

Nice choice of words! But hey, you were expected at our house at midnight before that day's dawn to celebrate Deb's Bday party!